We got a counter offer with the price of 287,000. We accepted. Our house is under contract! I’m so excited.

After church tonight we had a world-wide leadership broadcast that was a training or new mission presidents. They invited all members that wanted to attend and we wanted to attend. I know we shouldn’t covet callings, but a mission president calling sounds awesome and I secretly aspire to it.

After the training I got my recommend renewed with the Stake president. I really felt the Spirit as I was answering the interview questions.

In other good news. I seem to betting a bit of strength in my left calf. It’s barely noticeable, but it is progress – even if it is very slight.

We have been talking about it off and on the past week about wether we should sell the house we are in. I love this house, but we feel so house-poor. We are barely staying afloat. Selling this house is a really saves us financially. What happens if we get buried again?

We need to budget about $650 per month for prescriptions between my pill and Gracie’s diabetic supplies.

There are a few other reasons but I think we are in agreement that it is time for us to move again. It is kind of strange because when we moved here we decided that this was our “forever house”. We didn’t want to move again.

But we changed our minds and thats ok. I think the reasons justify it.

I really want to follow Dave Ramsey’s suggestion this time when buying a new house. He suggests a 15 year mortgage where the payments are no more than 25% of your take home pay – and putting down at least 20% down as a down payment.

I ran some numbers and if my calculations are correct, that would put us at a mortgage amount of $240,000. We are hoping we can sell our house for around $500,000 and get $150,000 in equity. That would give us a purchase price of $390,000. I think that is a good price range for a home. We are also thinking of building so we can get the type of home we want without worrying about remodeling projects.

Now the big questions is where?