Our neighbor’s, the North family, has a dog named buddy. It is a pretty big dog, I’m not sure what kind of dog it is. It only likes women and children though. He runs from me most of the time. When we first moved into this house, Gracie was certain the dog’s name was “Dog”. When we asked her how she knew she said, “there is a sign on the house that says ‘Beware of Dog’.”

Lately Buddy has spent a lot of time in our yard. They have an invisible fence, but he can’t resist the urge to chase the balls that Gehrig loves to hit around the back yard. 

Murphy especially loves Buddy. You would think he would be scared of the dog, but he never has been.

Buddy is pretty old. He has a bad hip and walks with a limp.

This morning, our neighbor, Brother North called Rachel to let her know that Buddy died in his sleep last night. He said that he saw Murphy outside his window yesterday afternoon petting Buddy. He said it was as if he knew and was saying goodbye. It was very sweet and brought tears to my eyes.