
CT Scan Results

I worked from home today so I could 1) sleep in a bit, 2) save gas & drive to my dr appointmen with Rachel and 3) leave here at 5:15 to play some softball games with Cade’s team in Orem. It’s nice that I have the privilege to work from home when I want or need to. Still, I think I prefer going in to work because I can generally get things done on faster there because of my computer be directly connected to the network. My...

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So Tired Today

It was a long night with Murphy last night. I don’t know what time he first woke up, but I think it was about 2 AM. I got up at 3 to try to get him back to sleep. He finally fell asleep around 4 AM and I figured as long as I was awake I might as well get some work done. So I worked on my mom’s business’ new website: soakers.biz. I was really tired at work today. I manage to stay awake driving by eating sunflower seads. Despite being so...

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Neighborhood Walk

After I got home from work today we worked on sanding the front door for a couple of hours. We then all took baths and showers and went for a walk around the block. We talked to the Pickerings for quite a while. I really enjoy just walking around the neighborhood and having conversations with people. That’s one reason I realy like our new house better. Our old house didn’t have any sidewalks in the neighborhood. I thnk that really...

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Gehrig’s Answered Prayer

I had a CT scan today. It is my first one since having surgury for my stomach cancer last year. I’m pretty confident things will be fine. The actual scan is not too bad. The worst part is they give you a big iodine drink and you have to spend an hour in the waiting room getting it down. It has such a nasty taste. Tonight we kept telling Gehrig to go to bed, but he was looking for his stuffed animal dog. After about an hour of looking he...

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Sam’s Birthday

After church today I helped put chairs away in the chapel overflow. I was surprised how well Gracie, Gehrig and Nolan helped. They cheerfully picked up all the hymn books and put them away. After church we celebrated Sam’s 20th birthday with a BBQ. We played some wiffle ball in the back yard with the kids. It was a lot of fun.

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Sanding the Front Door

We spend the majority the the day today sanding our front door. We took the door off the hinges. We basically got the door done (1 side). We still have the door frame and windows on each side to sand. I think that will take the whole day next saturday. I really don’t like sanding. I thought it was cute than Nani came over today to help Gracie learn how to crochet. Gracie is making blanket.

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March 2025