
Gracie Diagnosed with Diabetes

This morning Gracie was so tired and weak when she woke up that Rachel had to help her get dressed. She got really concerned because of how skinny Gracie was looking. She you can really see her bones in her shoulders and back now. She called the doctor and scheduled an appointment and I decided to work from home so I could watch the boys while they went to her appointment. I got a phone call from Rachel saying that Gracie had been diagnosed with...

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Testimony of Fast Offerings

I keep telling myself I’m going to start writing in my journal every night again, then I forgot when night comes around. Well, it’s 11:15 and I just remembered. Today was fast Sunday. I haven’t really fasted a full 24 hours since my whole cancer ordeal. Today I fasted for about 19 hours and it was no problem at all. Last week when our home teachers came I asked for a priesthood blessing so that I could continue to take Gleevec...

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Bowling at Fat Cats / Priesthood Blessing

Yesterday we really wanted to get out of the house and do something fun. We decided to take the kids bowling. We went to Fat Cats in Provo. It was a lot of fun. We ordered lunch there. One mistake we did make was paying for two games. We were tired and full after the first game. It takes a while to get through a game with 3 small kids bowling. Today after church our home teachers came. It was fun having them visit and this was the first time I...

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Django Users Group Meeting

I attended a Utah Django User’s Group meeting tonight. Generally they are held in south Provo so I haven’t bothered to go. Tonight’s was held at Kynetx at Thanksgiving Point. It was fun. Someone gave presention on jQuery/Ajax/JSON/Django. It’s interesting to see how others make use of technologies. I also met some people I only knew online.

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Temple, Nolan’s Night, & Jimmer Freddette

I went to the temple this morning. I have a goal to go at least 50 times this year. That is once per week. I missed last week because I was sick. We have started having "special nights" with the kids. Once a month Rachel or I will take a child out to spend one on one time. Tonight it was Nolan’s turn with me. We went to Wendy’s for dinner (his choice) then went to Wal-Mart so he could use his Christmas money from Grandma...

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77 Things I Did in 2010

So my life is not quite exciting as Brandon’s. I haven’t packed up my family and moved to another country. But my life is still eventful. I thought I would take some time to look back on 2010 to see what I have done. Celebrated 10 years of happy marriage. Had our fourth child. Baptized & confirmed my oldest daughter. Blessed our fourth son. Remodeled master bathroom. Threw up blood. Had my first stay in ICU. Had two scopes down...

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March 2025