
Murphy’s second day

This morning was pretty hectic trying to get Gracie ready for school and on time for the bus. I was running out the garage with the boys who had no shoes & socks on. Luckily one of the parents of another child who waits at the same bus stopped saw us and stopped in front of our house and gave Gracie a ride up to the bus stop. I spent the day with Rachel & Murphy again. Janet & Carrie came to visit briefly in the morning and my mom...

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Murphy’s Birth Day

It has been a while since I have written. It seems once you skip one day it is hard to get back into the habbit. But today, I feel too blessed not to write something. Today Murphy was born. He is #4. This whole pregnancy was different. Rachel and I were more relaxed. The pregnancy seemed to go by fast. We had a hard time deciding on his name (first it was Will, then Cal, the Murphy). We were much slower to get his nursury together. All in all,...

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Pioneer Day

We went to the park this morning with the bucket of baseball and took turns hitting. We each had a turn before everyone was too hot and tired to stay in the sun. Nolan is the only one that LOVES being outside in the heat. I spent the past two days painting Gehrig’s old room. It started out as Gracie’s room, the we moved Gehrig in there, now we are going to make it the Nursury. Yesterday I painted the walls. Today I painted the...

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Quit Snirk

Yesterday I made the decision to stop working on Snirk. I have been totally burned out with that project. Now that my DIRECTV vs Dish Network site is making $3000 per month I don’t feel so motivated to work so hard on Snirk. I was willing to just walk away but I negotiated a buyout to get 10% of profits up to $6500. If it turns out they all make millions I might wonder what might have been, but as it stands, I wake up at 4 AM and I have...

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Hot Evening Walk

We ate dinner at home, but went to Ken & Laura’s tonight after dinner. Rachel made cinnamon rolls and orange rolls. We then took all the kids for a walk. Well, we walked while the older kids rode their scooters and Nolan & Brinley wrode their trikes. While riding past some sprinklers, Nolan reached out to touch them and fell over right on top of it. He was rolling around trying to get up, but he was stuck. I had to hurry and rescue...

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Sam’s Wedding

Today was Sam’s wedding. Just before the wedding, I was in the house when Laura’s friend, Flora stopped to talk with me. She told me Laura feels that "I’m the best thing that has happened to this family." She said how Laura tells her everything and how much she likes me. And she added, "And she’s a hard person to please." It was certainly good to hear. Laura is a quiet person and I know she would never...

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March 2025