
Lunch With An Old Friend

I went to lunch with an old friend today – Travis Knudsen. He was my favorite companion on my mission. We only spent 4 weeks together but we made a quick connection. He picked me up and ate at a ma & pa Thai food place. The food was good and it was fun catching up with Travis. It seems whenever we get together our conversation centers around spiritual things, which I really enjoy.

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Sewing Lessons for Rachel

Rachel has been talking about wanting to take sewing lessons. Today I found a sewing/fabric store in Highland and called them. I found a lady there that teaches sewing lessons in her home and she lives here in Alpine. I was excited to tell Rachel. She has been wanting a hobby. I think this will be fun for her.

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Stake Priesthood Meeting

We had stake priesthood meeting this morning. It was great. Some of the topics included the advantages and possible temptations of social media such as facebook. There were good points on how to not only resist temptations, but avoid temptations by avoiding the appearance of evil.

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Lots of Swimming

We did some painting projects to clean up some touch-up and cleaned the house a bit. In the afternoon we went swimming at Ken & Lauras. It was a beautiful day. We were probably in the pool over 3 hours. I got a little burnt despite the sun block. It was fun though. Even Ken & Laura came out to swim.

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Job Offerings

I’ve had 5 people contact me reguarding job opportunities this week. Two were head hunters contact me about a Django position at Neutron Interactive. It actually sounds like a great opportunity with better pay and better benefits. The reason I didn’t bother looking into it though was because the commute is even farther and I want to see how this bonus structure plays out at SendOutCards. Another inquery was a request from Google....

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T-Ball Seaon Over

Today was Gehrig’s last t-ball game. I really had a fun time coaching this season. I think next year he will be ready for the next league, which is coach pitch. I think he needs something a little more competative to keep his interest. I wasn’t going to coach this year because of my new job, but luckily my job is more flexible than I thought and it worked out well. I look forward to next season!

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March 2025