
Just a Nice Day

Today was a perfect weather day for Ultimate Frisbee – overcast and zero wind. It has been a while since I played so it was nice to get out there and play. After coaching Gehrig’s t-ball game, we went to In & Out. I’ve heard a lot of people rave about it. It was good, but totally over-rated. When we got home we watched G.I. Joe with the kids. They were complaining when I started it, but they really got into it and enjoyed it

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Carpet Cleaning

Nolan has been naughty the past couple of days. Last night as Rachel and I were downstairs watching TV, he got out of bed and flooded the bathroom. Today while Rachel was in the shower and I was at work, he got shampoo out and dumped it all over his bedroom floor. So on the way home I stopped at the store and rented a carpet cleaner. On the bright side our carpets got a much needed deep cleaning.

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Free Lunch

This afternoon I was invited to lunch to meet with some guys from xmission. Xmission is probably the oldest internet service provider in Utah. They are building a new hosting service called stackable. They wanted to talk to some Python/Django developers and they are currently working on a solution to support Django in their hosting service. It was fun and interesting. I think it is a good deal too. I would like to move my hosting to their...

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Joseph Asay’s Funeral

I attended the funeral of Joseph Asay today at noon. There was quite a large group that came. This may sound a bit strange, but I was thinking that it was probably the most uplifting funeral I have ever attended. Elder Ballard was there, which was quite a surprise. If I understand it right, he was Brother Asay’s mission president. He spoke briefly then had to leave. I enjoyed all the talks given but the one’s that touched me most was...

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Sabbath Morning

I always enjoy the change of pace on Sundays. I had Bishopric and PEC/Welfare meetings this morning. I enjoy the bishopric I get to work with. They are all very righteous men. Bishop Payne asked if we had any interest on our home. I said no. He said, "Well, I can’t say I’m heartbroken that you’re stil here." I feel the same way. I’m starting to wonder if we should just take our home off the market and stay where...

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Matt’s Wedding

Today was Matt & Jacqueline’s wedding. I got lost on the way there because I forgot to bring the address. I tried calling my dad, but he wasn’t much help. I called Toby and he tried to explain it to me. It was by his old house where he lived for two years. I could even figure out how to get to his old house. He finally said, stay where you are and I’ll come find you. He found us and we followed him to the park. We were...

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March 2025