
Call from Dave Ramsey’s Office

Whenever I get a phone call from a number I don’t recognize, 90% of the time I will let it go to voicemail. Today I got a call, but fortunately on the iPhone it shows the state that the call originates from. This particular call originated from TN, so I answered. It was someone from Dave Ramsey’s company. I had my first interview. I think it went well. I was a little nervous. I’m wondering if perhaps I should have applied to be...

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Updating Goals

I started listening to Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership Audiobook again this morning. I figured since I am applying for a job there I should know his culture well. I still haven’t heard anything though so I’m kind of anxious to hear back. I tend to be more positive and energized when I listen to motivational audios such as this. I set new goals and have more hope. Such was the case today. I cleaned out my email inbox and updated...

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The Ward Knows We Are Moving

I was so tired this morning I couldn’t wake up. It made me pretty ornery. Rachel wasn’t very happy with me because of it. I had to repent and apologize in order to feel good about taking the sacrament. We had a lot of people ask about our house today. Even though we don’t have a solid plan and don’t know WHERE we are going or WHEN, everyone was so supportive and encouraging of us. Brother Canavo asked about our house. He...

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Lagoon Day 2

We went to Lagoon again today. We used “bounce back” coupons which gets us in for $11 each instead of the regular price of $50. We were all pretty tired so we slept in a bit. We got to Lagoon probably around 12:30. We ate lunch there in a picnic area and spent the afternoon as a family doing a lot of kids’ rides. My mom, Alex & Toby all came later – around 6 pm and we spent the rest of the night with them. It was...

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We spent the whole day at Lagoon. This is our annual Davis/Lucas reunion. Toby and Kristi planned on going to Lagoon and we sort of turned it into our family reunion. I hope they didn’t mind. It has been a long time since we have been. I don’t think any of our boys had even been before. It was a fun time today. The kids loved it. I had a couple of episodes of my back flaring up, but I made it through. We had so much fun we are...

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Good Chat with Neighbors

Tonight we went for a walk after getting the kids in bed. We decided to walk to our old house to check out the new carpet. Instead of walking home we walked around Hillside Circle. We ran into the Gillettes who where also out for a walk. The said they noticed the for sale sign in our yard and asked where we were going. It is always hard to answer that question because we don’t have an answer. We basically said we don’t know yet. The...

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March 2025