
Independence Day 2013

I had the day off work to celebrate Independence day. We made the most of it. It was an eventful day. It started with bishopric breakfast in the commons area. We then went to a 10 am matinee showing of Despicable Me 2. The we came home and folded and put away laundry. Then we went to the cottage and had gourmet hot dogs from Dog On It. Then we went swimming at Nani & Pops’ house. Then we continued our tradition ever since we’ve...

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Independence Day Eve

After work we had a neighborhood party at the Hauser’s house. It has become a 4th of July tradition around here. I basically chatted with Lynn Langford the whole time.  Afterwards we came back home and set up the projector in our back yard. We just projected it to a big wall on the side of the house. I was surprised at how good the picture was for being on a gray stucco wall. We watched The Sandlot – one of our family’s...

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Chat with Nicole

Today I saw that my old boss, Nicole was online with instant messenger. I sent her a message letting her know I enjoyed having her as a boss. We had a good chat. Before she left she said something interesting. She said something to the effect of, “You’ve put in some good work at Neutron. You shouldn’t feel bad about leaving to find something else closer to home.” I have to admit its still on my mind. There is something...

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MRI Today

I had an MRI today. It went a lot better than the last time I herniated my disc. I was able to relax and hold still the whole time. They gave me prints of the MRI to take to my appointment with the neurosurgeon. I took a look at them and it looks like its my L5-S1 disc again. It looks pretty much like last time. Its frustrating because I thought I was healed and I’m starting to thing I’ll never really be healed until the...

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Where to Live Next?

There was a returned missionary that spoke today in church. He was a great kid and I’m sure a great missionary. Rachel commented during his talk though that his talk focus about him and how much his mission helped in. She contrasted it to my cousin, Kevin, who we listened to speak in Roosevelt a few weeks ago. He went to the temple and prayed about what he should talk on and he delivered an excellent talk and taught the congregation. I...

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Help From Ken

I had a long list of things to get done today since we have decided to sell out home. Rachel had to go in to the cottage and work this morning. I was surprised and delighted when Ken showed up this morning to help me out. He has always been great to help me out with my projects. He helped me load the trailer with a pile of cardboard boxes and other garbage to take to the top, then he took Gracie with him to Home Depot to get a board to fix our...

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March 2025