I am grateful for… Tax accountant (but not taxes) My ScanSnap scanner Evernote What will I do to make today great? Submit my tax info to my accountant Complete one ticket at work Take my vitamins Daily power statement. (I am…) I am healthy, strong, and full of energy.

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I am grateful for… Personal revelation Excedrine My relationship with Rachel and open communication. What will I do to make today great? Partake of the sacrament Have an anti-superbowl party Share my testimony Daily power statement. (I am…) I am obedient and worthy of God’s love.

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How I receive personal revelation

3 Amazing things that happened today… Got the house cleaned. Did a lot of laundry. Bought some new shoes. They are so comfy. My feet will thank me at Disneyland! How could I have made today even better? I ate in moderation. Lesson learned today… After cleaning the house, Rachel and I drove to Layton to exchange her shoes and look for a new pair fo shoes for me. On the way home we stopped at walmart to get some things. We are going...

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I am grateful for… I slept well. Washing machines. I’m feeling better today than I have felt in a few days. What will I do to make today great? I will do all my AM tasks. Clean and disinfect the house. Go to Dick’s with Rachel to exchange her shoes – maybe get myself a new pair of shoes to wear around Disneyland. Daily power statement. (I am…) I am healthy, strong, and full of...

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I am grateful for… Medicines that make sickness more bearable. Warm home. Mountains What will I do to make today great? Get rest to help me recover from sickness. Clean kitchen Brainstorm mentoring company names Daily power statement. (I am…) I am healthy and strong

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3 Amazing things that happened today… I got a create account feature written today – despite being sick all day with fever. I got a few naps in to get some rest. The Deems brought us a bunch of “get well” treats. Started my Elite partner calls this morning. How could I have made today even better? I meditated and got over my sickness fast. Lesson learned today… Sometimes you’re sick and very unmotivated and...

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I am grateful for… Elite program Albuterol – helped me breathe last night Nest thermostat so I can up the temperature while in bed. What will I do to make today great? Get tabs for my Elite binder. Watch at least 3 training videos on the Elite program Write a draft of team mission statement for the A-Team Daily power statement. (I am…) I coach and mentor others to live happier, more successful...

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March 2025