Lagoon Day 2

We went to Lagoon again today. We used “bounce back” coupons which gets us in for $11 each instead of the regular price of $50. We were all pretty tired so we slept in a bit. We got to Lagoon probably around 12:30. We ate lunch there in a picnic area and spent the afternoon as a family doing a lot of kids’ rides. My mom, Alex & Toby all came later – around 6 pm and we spent the rest of the night with them. It was...

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We spent the whole day at Lagoon. This is our annual Davis/Lucas reunion. Toby and Kristi planned on going to Lagoon and we sort of turned it into our family reunion. I hope they didn’t mind. It has been a long time since we have been. I don’t think any of our boys had even been before. It was a fun time today. The kids loved it. I had a couple of episodes of my back flaring up, but I made it through. We had so much fun we are...

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Good Chat with Neighbors

Tonight we went for a walk after getting the kids in bed. We decided to walk to our old house to check out the new carpet. Instead of walking home we walked around Hillside Circle. We ran into the Gillettes who where also out for a walk. The said they noticed the for sale sign in our yard and asked where we were going. It is always hard to answer that question because we don’t have an answer. We basically said we don’t know yet. The...

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Our Home is For Sale

Our house was officially listed on MLS last night. We had 3 showings today and one scheduled for tomorrow. Its kind of bittersweet. As I was walking through the house tonight it made me sad. This was supposed to be our “forever” house. I’m sure we could make it work here, but we decided we want something a little smaller/easier to maintain and a smaller mortgage. We are starting to get nervous though. Is this the right...

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Allreds came to visit

Tonight my old friend Tyler Allred and his wife and two daughters came to visit. They have been living in Washington for the past 7 or 8 years now. I stopped on the way home and bought some fried chicken. It was fun to sit and chat. It is too bad they don’t live closer because I’m sure we would have a good time hanging out with them more often. It was also nice to think that they wanted to come visit us during their vacation to Utah.

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Buddy the Dog

Our neighbor’s, the North family, has a dog named buddy. It is a pretty big dog, I’m not sure what kind of dog it is. It only likes women and children though. He runs from me most of the time. When we first moved into this house, Gracie was certain the dog’s name was “Dog”. When we asked her how she knew she said, “there is a sign on the house that says ‘Beware of Dog’.” Lately Buddy has...

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I had interviews with Gracie & Gehrig tonight. I find it interesting how much they enjoy it. They just love having my full attention and being able to just talk with me about anything. It also gives me a chance to address things I feel they need to work on. With Gracie I emphasized working hard and being a clean person – not stuffing candy wrappers and garbage in couch cushions, etc. With Gehrig I emphasized being nice to his little...

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March 2025