
Goal Progress

I was up at 3:56 am this morning. I just woke up, without an alarm, so I got out of bed. After spending a good 15 minutes on the toilet I hemmed & hawed about what type of workout to do and finally decided to just do another 30 minutes on the elliptical. I have to admit it is nice to have it available for convenience. But, what I’d really like to do is strength training. The problem is that the all the strength exercises I want to do...

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I woke up at 4:04 am when my alarm went off. I would have turned it off and rolled over in bed. But when I am determined to get up the night before, I put my phone (alarm clock) in a spot where I have to get out of bed to turn if off. Then it makes the decision to get back into bed more deliberate. It took me a while to make the decision, but I finally determined to exercise on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I knew I would have to report to my...

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New Year’s Resolutions

Personal Bet Fit. I blogged about this today actually. I set a goal to weigh 220 by March 1st. I will do this by exercising more and eating smaller portions. No drastic food changes unless I’m not making progress. Learn. The average millionaire reads one non-fiction book per month. I think I’ve been doing this for the past two years (with audiobooks) but I don’t know for sure because I haven’t been keeping track. This...

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Only So Much Time to Prepare and Be Clean

I’m currently in Washington D.C. for DjangoCon – a programming conference. Neutron has paid my way and allowed me to come here. It’s been fun taking a break from work, learning new things and seeing iconic sights here in the nation’s capital. Honestly it would be more fun in Rachel were her to share experiences with her. Today is my last day. I had a dream last night that chilled me and so I wanted to get write it down...

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Ping Pong & Softball

Neutron recently hired a friend of mine to help in the marketing department. Today we played ping pong. It’s actually nice to have a friend there to recreate with. He killed me today – playing left handed even, but I’m sure we will have lots more games. We had two more softball games tonight. We won the first game and lost the second, so we are officially done for the season. I’m kind of upset about it, but I guess...

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Regional Softball Tournament

Yesterday I got home late because I went to a Movie with Tim Andreoli and Jordan Hodges. I was put in the Elders Quorum presidency a few months ago. Tim is the president, I’m the first counselor and Jordan is the second counselor. It was been fun. Today I worked from home. I didn’t have any meetings planned, I slept in and had a softball game scheduled for 6 pm, so it just made sense to do so. It worked out well and I got a lot...

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March 2025